egg salad Recipe

Egg Salad Recipe

Few recipes are as satisfying and simple to prepare than homemade egg salad, which can serve as both a quick snack or lunch or picnic meal option. Plus, its adaptability means only minimal ingredients need be used!

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This article provides all the knowledge necessary for crafting the ideal egg salad dish. When finished reading this piece, you’ll have all of the skills and expertise required to craft delicious salads!

What Constitutes an Egg Salad?

An egg salad is a classic combination of hard-boiled eggs, mayo (mayonnaise), seasonings and any herbs or vegetables added as desired to create the ultimate creamy tart taste sensation! There are various variations on this theme but for optimal results the ideal combination would be creamy mildly tart with subtle crunch from herbs or vegetables added.

Classic Egg Salad Recipe: Simple, Creamy, and Delicious

Recipe by Linda WilberDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Boiling eggs





Egg salad recipes can serve 2 to 3 people. It takes about 10 minutes to prepare, including boiling eggs for 9-12 minutes. Each serving is comprised of 171-253 calories, based on the ingredients. Variations are depending on the quantity of mayonnaise as well as other ingredients such as mustard or celery(


  • Eggs

  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise

  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard with desired seasonings such as salt and pepper

  • Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

  • Add half a cup of chopped celery (for crunch).

  • Add one tablespoon of fresh parsley or chopped chives

Egg Salad Step by Step

  • Involve your eggs by boiling in cold tap water until they reach a simmering boil, and then reduce heat until eggs reach 9-12 mins of boil time.
  • Place eggs into an ice bath for rapid cooling process and easier peeling process.
  • Once your eggs have cooled down, peel and chop into bite-size pieces based on your preferred salad texture – chunky may work better while for others it might be best chopped finely! Pick what works for you!
  • Create the creamy base in a large bowl by combining mayonnaise with salt, pepper, and lemon juice if applicable – stirring until everything is evenly mixed together.
  • Mix the eggs gently into your batter. Feel free to experiment by adding diced cucumber, celery or other herbs for additional taste and texture.
  • Refrigerate eggs before chilling For optimal egg salad results, place chilled eggs in the fridge at least 30 minutes prior to serving in order to allow time for all of its components to blend and create an appetizing egg salad dish. This allows time for flavors and ingredients to mix for maximum enjoyment!

Tips and tricks for creating the best egg salad

  • Choose older eggs; these will be easier to peel after boiling; it’s best if they are at least one week old if possible.
  • Modifying the dressing For a lighter mayonnaise, try mixing in Greek yogurt or sour cream for added creaminess.
  • Add pickles, onions or bacon pieces for additional taste and texture. For an added crunchiness boost you can also try diced onions or pickles.

Egg Salad Variations

Avocado Egg Salad: Add an exciting and healthful twist with avocado egg salad by swapping out part of the mayo for avocado puree.

Spike up your egg salad with extra heat by mixing in some hot sauce and diced jalapenos for a touch of heat!

Egg Salad with Bacon Bits: Crisp bacon bits add extra crunch and flavour to this classic egg salad recipe.

Egg salad with herbs: For an added boost of flavor and aroma, sprinkle fresh herbs like tarragon or dill to give your dish an aromatic kick.

Egg Salad FAQs

How long can egg salad be stored in the refrigerator?

Refrigerated egg salad may be stored up to three days in a sealed container after being chilled and shaken well, giving it another good shake before being served.

Can I make egg salad without mayo?

Absolutely. Greek Yogurt, Sour Cream or even crushed Avocado make for great alternatives when looking to create an egg-salad that is light and healthy.

Can Egg Salad Be Frozen?

No. When frozen and then defrosted, mayonnaise and eggs change texture which leads to an unpleasant texture change, creating an edged-out salad.

What could I pair my egg salad with?

Egg salad pairs nicely with fresh bread, crackers and leafy greens for an irresistibly tasty side dish or can even be used as filling in sandwiches or wraps for maximum protein-packed nutrition!


Everyone should learn how to make egg salad, since its preparation is both straightforward and flexible. Egg salad can be enjoyed whether traditional or customized with any combination of ingredients you may enjoy adding in. This guide will show you how you can create delicious creamy salad in just three steps!

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